
Monday 8 April 2013

you just got to belieb.

Ich wärend des tages:
ich während der nacht:
ich wenn ich eigentlich was für die schule tun sollte:

Du: Ich muss jetzt gehen Justin.
Justin: Neeein! *hält dich fest*
Du: Ich mu..
Justin: *küsst dich zärtlich*

Du: Justin? Kannst du mich mal besuchen kommen?
Justin: Nur wenn du mich auch bezahlst!
Du: Ich dachte nicht das du so bist! -.- Wie viel willst du?
Justin: Eine Umarmung und einen Kuss... einen langen.

"Justin Bieber hat nen kleinen Schwanz, kann nicht singen, hat keine Fans und ist hässlich!" Justin:

#bieberfact Justin hat mal 'Rapunzel rapunzel let your hair down' getwittert.

Justin: Yeha, Im right behind Oprah..

#bieberfact Justin bricht es das Herz wenn er weinende Mädchen sieht. Naaaw ♥

#bieberfact Einmal twitterte Justin: "smallville is the best series there is." Daraufhin twitterte Pattie: "Go to sleep!"

#bieberfact Als Justin klein war wollte er einen Elefanten als Haustier.

Wenn dir Leute etwas über Justin erzählen wollen und du dir denkst: Bitch please, dass weiß ich schon seit 2 Jahren! #itsabelieberthing

Ich, bei der Believetour:

Wenn man 'just' schreiben will, automatisch 'Justin' schreiben. #itsabelieberthing

Man sagt nur 'Justin', nicht 'Justin Bieber'. #itsabelieberthing

#bieberfact Justin atmet grade

#bieberfact Justin ist der erste Künstler, der eine Fanbase mit Namen hatte: Beliebers!
Alle anderen haben das dann nach gemacht.

#bieberfact Justin meinte mal, wenn er sich verliebt, würde er die Eltern des Mädchens so lange übrreden bis sie mit ihm auf Tour kommen dürte. Aaw! ♥

#bieberfact Justin mag keine Mädchen die rauchen, er findet dass unattraktiv.

#bieberfact Wenn Justin Telefonnummern von seinen Fans bekommt, ruft er sie manchmal an und verarscht sie ein bisschen.

#bieberfact Justin liebt es Fans zu überraschen, er meint die Reaktionen sind unbezahlbar.

#bieberfact Wenn Justin in Hotels ist, klopft er an fremde Türen und rennt dann weg. This kid.. :D

#bieberfact Justin findet es süß wenn Mädchen Poster von ihm im Zimmer hängen haben, er freut sich darüber.

#bieberfact Justin hat als kleiner Junge einen Goldfisch umgebracht, weil er nicht wusste dass der Fisch ohne Wasser nicht überleben kann.

“I'm telling you, people. Everyday we wake up is another blessing. Follow your dreams and don't let anyone stop you. Never say never.” ― Justin Bieber

“Two people can look at the same thing and see it differently..” ― Justin Bieber

“A girl has to have a beautiful smile, Beautiful eyes and she should have a good sense of humor. She should be Honost, loving and trustworthy.” ― Justin Bieber

“I want my world to be fun. No parents, no rules, no nothing. Like, no one can stop me. No one can stop me.” ― Justin Bieber

“I'm just a regular 16 year old kid. I make good grilled cheese and I like girls.” ― Justin Bieber

“Haters will say what they want, but their hate will never stop you from chasing your dream” ― Justin Bieber

“My world got very big,
very fast, and based on a lot of sad examples
from the past,
a lot of people expect me to get lost in it” ― Justin Bieber

“There's gonna be times when people tell you that you can't live your dreams, this is what I tell them, Never Say Never.” ― Justin Bieber

“I'm looking forward to influencing others in a positive way. My message is you can do anything if you just put your mind to it.” ― Justin

“The success I've achieved comes to me from God” ― Justin Bieber, Justin Bieber: My World

“Born to be some body." You were born to be some body, maybe a vet, maybe a hero, maybe a care giver. What ever it is you were born to be some thing special and if you believe you can achieve”
― Justin Bieber

“I grew up below the poverty line; I didn't have as much as other people did. I think it made me stronger as a person, it built my character. Now I have a 4.0 grade point average and I want to go to college, and just become a better person.” ― Justin Bieber

“I'm not a fighter by nature, but, if I believe in something, I stand up for it” ― Justin Bieber, First Step 2 Forever

“I close my eyes
and I can see a better day.
I close my eyes
and pray” ― Justin Bieber

“I wrote the song 'Down to Earth' a few years ago, and i was really excited to record it for My World album. It's a huge fan favourite. So many people feel where i'm coming from. It doesn't need any spectacular stage effects in the touring show; the best thing i can do is just sing it straight from my heart. I'm not afraid to show my emotions; if you love someone, you should tell them. If you think a girl is beautiful, you should say that. Usher says some songs work best when there's a sob in the singer's voice. You gotta let that deep feeling come through. And that's how i felt about this song. Sometimes the emotion of it is enough to bring tears to my eyes.” ― Justin Bieber

“Every one of my fans is so special to me” ― Justin Bieber, First Step 2 Forever

“I want my world to be fun- like no one can stop me!” ― Justin Bieber

“You know me...I can't resist a good prank” ― Justin Bieber, First Step 2 Forever

“Never Say Never if you know you can do what you love don't give up.” ― Justin Bieber

“i will never say never i will fight i will fight till forever make it right whenever you knock me down i will not stay on the ground pick it up and never say never” ― Justin Bieber

“somtimes people say that you can not live your dreams. sometimes people say that you can not sell out madison square garden. well this is what i tell them-NEVER SAY NEVER”
― Justin Bieber
“Theres gonna be times in life when people tell you that you can't, thats when you just gotta turn around and say watch me.” ― Justin Bieber

“No matter how much I try, I cant figure out how to not be adorable!” ― Justin Bieber

“So remember this is a bieber world.your just living in it. Bieber or die.” ― Justin Bieber

“u should not be afraid of doing what ur mind tells you 2 do...just listen 2 ur heart...never say never” ― Justin Bieber

“No matter how talented you are
not everyone is going to like you
but that's life, stay strong”
― Justin Bieber

Bitches, please understand this : i'm a belieber, don't hate justin because he makes his dream reality. You can hate me okay? But justin not

Idgaf if you don't like me. I'm here for Justin, not to support you.

Grandma: "Who's Justin Bieber?" Parents: "DON'T ASK!" Me: "Well, he was born.." *10 hours later* "And now he's releasing his Believe album"

this is me while reading this entire whispering "sel" in boyfriend situation tbh

What most girls want to hear: "you’re beautiful." What i want to hear: "You're meeting Justin Bieber."

Selena: Hit the lights. Justin: Hit the paps.

"I hate Justin Bieber"

Being a Belieber is the best decision I've ever made and I don't regret it.I'll stay here and support my Idol through everything.

Beliebers Are Forever With Justin

"I love my beliebers". whenever he says 'my beliebers', it get's me every time. it's kinda special .. not only kinda tho

"No matter how talented you are, not everyone is going to like you but that's life. Stay strong" -Justin Bieber

This right here is love, our bond is unbreakable.

his smile.

"I wish there was a test you had to take before you can buy Believe Tour tickets, so only true Beliebers would be able to buy them." This.

you just got to belieb.

selly wrote 'Justin' on her arm, and justin wrote 'Beliebers' on his arm.

The cutest thing in the world

What's Justin's first song? Fans: 'One Time' Beliebers: 'Common Denominator'

Me: hi juju, is kenny around? Justin: em, no why? Me:

@justinbieber I have two eyes to see U, I have two Hands to hold U and I have a heart to LOVE YOU

Justin Bieber & Dan Kanter, Paris 2010-2012
~le crying

" It’s a megaphone, not a microphone, Justin. "
LOLOLOL, forever laughing my ass off.

Justin sold out MSG in 30 seconds

Hater: Justin Bieber is so gay. Me: I want that gay on my bed

"Keep Calm, Believe tour is coming" Obviously 'Calm' is not in Beliebers vocabulary.

This gave me like 696902 50294 40502310369 butterflies.#

People : Justin is single and ready to mingle.

Mom: "Wake up!" Me: *Sleeping.* Mom: "WAKE UP!" Me: *sleeping.* Mom: "JUSTIN BIEBER!" Me: "OMB. WHERE?!?!" *Falls out the bed.*

"2009: When I met you girl my heart went knock knock. 2012: When I met you girl my Jerry went up up" Only our fanbase.

du: Justin darf ich dich umarmen ? =)