
Monday 8 April 2013

Justin's songs are the type of songs you can listen to again and again without getting bored. His music is just magic.

#MyWorldTourMemory Being a room full of beliebers, and knowing they won't judge you for how much you love Justin♥

Some Beliebers miss the Old Justin, Justin misses his Old Beliebers who didn't judge him.

Justin Bieber vs. Justin Bieber. Retweet for Justin and Favorite for Justin.

*My World Tour* Justin: "Who wants to be my baby? *Believe Tour* Justin: "Who wants to see my Jerry?"

Just because you're the biggest fan account for Justin Bieber, doesn't mean you're the biggest fan. We're equal & Pattie is the biggest.

Whenever Justin's feeling down, he turns to Pattie. And me? I Turn To Justin. He makes me smile everyday, without even knowing it. *sigh*

"Brazilian beliebers started their own fanbase called Braziliebers." No matter where you're from,you are a BELIEBER.NOTHING DIFFERENT!

#imagine : Daughter: "Dad, how did you and mom get married?" Justin: "Well, it all started when she used to spam me on Twitter."

Justin's songs are the type of songs you can listen to again and again without getting bored. His music is just magic.

There's a Belieber. She's supportive, she's brave and beyond beautiful, and guess what? She's reading this right now.

#BieberFact: Justin did 89 shows for the My World Tour and he's doing 200 shows for the Believe tour. I'm so proud of him!


Babe, i like your ass ;)

" I'm a Belieber since Boyfriend " " I'm a Belieber since Baby " " I'm a Belieber since 2009 " Me? A Belieber since he's a SPERM CELL.

Baby i like it .. ;)

009: "i love my beliebers, u're my girlfriend" "u're the best fans in the world" 2012: "you know u sexy right? that's why i f@#$s with u"

Kidrauhl: My baby. Jason Deeps: My school boy. Jason McCann: My bad boy. Shawty Mane: My rapper. Justin Bieber: My inspiration. ♥

#BieberFact Pattie and Scooter cried while listening to "Turn To You"

2009: Caitlin Beadles 2010: Jasmine Villegas 2011: Selena Gomez 2012: Selena Gomez 2013: ME?

Justin Bieber brings out a smile on my face without even saying anything

Insult Justin, You insult millions. Mess with Justin, You mess with millions. You love Justin? Well, welcome to the belieber family.

Dear Justin, take some random pictures, and post it to instagram. Sincerely, Beliebers that missed you being an instagram whore.

I'll be with Justin no matter what, I'm not here because of his looks or his hair, but his talents and music.

This is what I will look like in my house when Believe comes out:


an alle hater:
dieser "lauch" hat mit 16 schon mehr erreicht als du in deinem ganzen leben erreichen könntest. 21 millionen weiber sind hinter ihm her, er könnte jede haben. während du über ihn lachst, lacht er über dein bankkonto. während andere sänger/rapper darüber singen/rappen, wie sie deine mutter ficken, rappt er über hilfe für arme menschen. er ist bei über 60 charities angemeldet und hat 7 Millionen Dollar an Japan wegen dem schweren Erdbeben gespendet. er hat eine wunderschöne Freundin, da kann man auch nicht mehr sagen dass er schwul ist. langsam kann man ihn nicht mehr hassen. diese ganzen vorurteile könnt ihr euch alle in den arsch schieben. er ist erwachsen geworden, das solltet ihr ganzen hater auch mal werden.

Turn To You proved that Justin is still kidrauhl. He treats his mom like 3 years ago. Nothing has changed except his voice.


justins teasers for the boyfriend music video werent even in the actual video............. hi i'm a belieber, and i just got punk'd.

it makes me smile when Justin retweets or replies to Beliebers. it shows that he cares about us.

"Justin doesn't know you exist." Me : he may not know me personally, but he tells me everyday how important I am to him. I'm proud of it :)

Justin: "Baby take a chance or you’ll never ever know." Beliebers: "You've got something in your pants that we'd really like to blow."


On my wedding day, I want to walk down the aisle and see this.


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