
Monday 8 April 2013

"Belieber until I die" LOL NO. I will continue to fangirl over Justin in heaven and will come back down here to stalk him as a ghost.

Down To Earth makes me cry, Never Say Never makes me feel powerful, U Smile makes me happy, and One Less Lonely Girl makes me feel loved.

That awkward moment when Bieber FANS met Justin 15482123456 times and you're a Belieber since 2009 and you're staring at your posters.

Followers has nothing to do with how you support Justin. Someone with 100 followers could support him more than someone with 100,000.

I wish i was Selena, she has everything i wish i had.

How can you hate this guy?

The most inspiring person to me right now is Justin . Justin Is Amazing ♥

Friend: "Hey whacha doing?" Me:"listening to boyfriend *After three hours* Friend:"Hey whatcha doing?" Me:"listening to boyfriend.."

My parents should be proud that I'm addicted to texting, sleeping, the internet, and not drugs.

Christina's reaction when she watched Justin's performance .
ohhh she must be really liking it.

No matter how many rumours and hate circulate, you can't stop me being a Belieber. I'm here forever.

Justin Bieber taught me to Dream Big, Never Say Never, and Believe that my dream will be come true ;)

"Justin Bieber has no fans!" Oh, I'm sorry. i didn't hear you over the 21M Beliebers screaming his name.

Justin takes Selena everywhere with him , if he took me to Mcdonalds I'd cry.

Justin has inspired me to believe and never say never. He's taught me to never give up and always chase your dreams.

"Justin, if you show us your Jerry, we will show you our Tom." LMFAO. ONLY BELIEBERS.

Eating donuts out of the trash, eating candy in the dark, and bringing a snake to an award show. Ladies and gentleman, Justin Bieber!

Justin.. Ustin.. Stin.. Tin.. In.. Ins.. Insp.. Inspi.. Inspir.. Inspira.. Inspirat.. Inspirati.. Inspiratio.. Inspiration. :)

Interviewer: "What's the most rebellious thing you've done?" Justin: "Umm I said no to Dora The Explorer when she asked for help" LOL JUS10.

Saying Justin Bieber is ugly is like saying Michael Jackson isn't famous

When your friends are talking about Justin Bieber in your class and you are like "Bitch please, the biggest Belieber here"

*Justin forgot his own lyric* fans: "OMG! THAT WAS WRONG!" Beliebers: "OMG. HE FORGETS HIS OWN LYRIC. HE'S SO CUTE, I LOVE HIM"

Boy: Send me a sexy picture. Girl: Okay, hold on. *Sending* Boy: Wtf? this is Justin Bieber! Girl: Exactly. ;)

You say, you're like a boss. I say, I'm like a Belieber. You say you got the moves like jagger. I say, I got the moves like Bieber ;)

Dear Justin, please do this to my home.
Sincerely, Beliebers.

SHORTEST HORROR STORY: You are buying your Justin Bieber tickets online when suddenly the site crashes. You try again and they are sold out.

Me: "Selena!" Selena: "Yes?" Me: "I'll give you Justin." Selena: "I'll give you Justin?" Me: "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

Me:I love Jerry Mom:who?! Me:Its just a big snake.. Mom:You`re not talking about Bieber`s dick right?! Me:NOO ! I WOULD NEVER DO THAT

Everyday, Justin gives me a reason to smile. Even it's a cute tweet, funny interview or one of his songs.

Being a Belieber isn't just a phase. It's a promise. That you'll always be here for Justin, no matter what happens.


"Tweeting Justin is like talking to a brick wall."OMFG THIS.



LOL Jaxon will be as normal as his brother.

That awkward when Justin's security need a security, because all beliebers knows Kenny.

Interviewer: What do gnomes eat? Justin: I don't know.. Wait ask me again! Interviewer: what do gnomes eat? Justin: I don't GNOME

The way he says "burr" and then gets all shy.


When i say "Justin is sexy" people imagine this:
But i'm talking about this:

"Beliebers are there for Justin Bieber and i've never seen fans like this" - L.A Reid

*When people say Justin isn't hot* Me:


"Beliebers" who changed Justin for another artist. This is for you.

When someone says "You're obsessed with Justin Bieber: I'm like

Mom, friends & everybody else I know: Please stop talking about Justin Bieber. Me:

People consider me as a kid when I tell them I like Justin. But guess what?

"Belieber until I die" LOL NO. I will continue to fangirl over Justin in heaven and will come back down here to stalk him as a ghost.

Everyone is a Bieber fan, and when I say everyone is EVERYONE.

Justin's is releasing "Turn To You" this friday and he wrote this song for Pattie. OMG. He's so sweet.

"When Selenators say Justin's gay, they're basically saying Selena has a penis"

Justin: The stars are beautiful. selena: I know. Justin: Wanna know what else is beautiful? Selena: what? :) Justin: My Beliebers. ♥

Boy: "Do you love me?" Me: "Yes!" Boy: "More than justin bieber?" Me: "LOL NO."

I'm not going to spend my time telling haters that Justin's not gay. I don't want to waste my time on this shit. I have an idol to support.

Interviewer:u got a message for beliebers before we talk to'em? Justin in 2009: thank u so much for ur support 2012: Don't talk about Jerry.

#imagine *after watching scary movie* *phone rings on private* you: h-hello? justin: *whispers* swaggie

#BieberFact Gaga reached 12 million followers on twitter in 36 months, while Justin reached 12 million followers in 28 months

1.73 high. 59kg. pants 38/39. spaghetti. purple. 01/03/1994. st jude's. 00:56 am. canada. swag. RT IF YOU KNOW WHO I mean ♥

When Justin sings high notes, it doesn't make him "gay." It shows that he's capable enough to hit those high notes. It's called talent.


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