
Monday 8 April 2013

Being a Belieber isn't just a full time job, it's a lifetime passion.

Justin, always remember that when you're hurt, we feel the pain too. When you smile, we smile with you. Beliebers got your back.

Supporing Justin is like breathing

Teacher: "Give me your e-mail address to send you the project." Me: "..." T: "..." Me: "..." T: "..." Me: ""

We get to learn new dances moves, and lyrics.We get to see what kind of outfits Justin is wearing this time around. Believe tour come faster

"I'M A BLEEEBER. FALLOW MEH." First, no I won't follow you. Second, learn to spell. Third, BITCH YOU SPELLED BELIEBER WRONG.

- Justin Makes Us Feel Beautiful.

Beliebers: "Who do you love?"
- Justin Makes Us Feel Beautiful.

Interviewer: 'Would you ever date an ugly girl?' Justin: 'How can i date something that doesnt exist?' ~ Justin Makes Us Feel Beautiful.

Justin makes us feel beautiful ~ He tells us that we are beautiful & flawless. He loves us. He's the best idol ever.

Justin treats us like queens. He always tells us how much he loves us and how lucky he's to have us. Justin Makes Us Feel Beautiful

Every new step Justin takes in his life, so do we. Every little thing he does turns into memories for us.

Haters : " Justin Bieber will never love you. He doesn't even know who you are," Beliebers :

My boyfriend is a robot, be jealous.

#1DayTillBoyfriendVideo where gonna see the sexy hottie all grown up awh god bless him, I'm not gonna have any ovaries left after this video

Why am I still a belieber? Coz I've spent too much time and tears in being a belieber. I'm not gonna throw it away. KIDRAUHL OWNS OUR HEARTS

KID:What do u & Selena do on the weekends? JUSTIN:We go to the movies *whispers* and we kiss. KID:Aww. JUSTIN:Eww. No we don't do that. LMAO

i love being a Belieber. such a great feeling,having the best idol on the planet. #reallygreatfeeling ♥

Opening the link:
During the video:
When it ends:

#StopJudgingJustin. Judging him will get you nowhere in life. He makes mistakes, we all do right? No one is perfect.

The relationship between beliebers and Justin is soo fucking amazing and it will never change! Kidrauhl Owns Our Hearts♥

@justinbieber I wish Justin knew how much Beliebers love him & that we'll never leave him.He's our everything. OurLove For Justin Is Endless

Justin is heartless? He donated $3,000,000 to Haiti, $7,000,000 to Japan and $100,000 to Whitney Elementary. I'm proud to call him my idol.

No Justin, Canada the potato.

"Beliebers Appreciate Justin" Justin: 'I Appreciate Beliebers' BEST IDOL EVER

You can't stop breathing right? Well, Supporting Justin is like breathing, You can't stop.

I just can't see myself living without Justin. He means more to me than you'll ever imagine.

no matter WHAT justin does, he's adorable or hot as fuck ..btw it's called perfection bitch, he is OUR flawless king

I know all Beliebers want him smile but we want to trend this ♥ #GermanyNeedsJustinsSmile

Justin Bieber's first tweet was at 8:27 PM on May 11 2009. #BieberFact

#SinceImABelieber OMG = OMB. Believe = Belieb. Cool = Epic. Style = Swag. Girl = Shawty. Hey = Aye. MacDonalds = MacBieber. Fans = Beliebers

fans:''I love Justin Bieber''. Beliebers:'' I love Justin'' can you see the difference?If yes u r a belieber!

Dear Justin, your fight is my fight and your tear is my tear. If anyone hurts him, it's like you're hurting me.

Being a Belieber isn't just a full time job, it's a lifetime passion.

Justin is a wonderful person inside and out.

Justin was too worried about fans leaving him that he didn't even notice he reached 20 million followers.

It's hard to watch how some Beliebers argue with eachother. We are suppose to be a family. Spread love, not hate.

If you're planning to leave twitter, just leave. Don't tweet to Justin that you're gonna leave him. That hurts him even more.

@justinbieber "Your world is my world, & my fight is your fight. My breath is your breath" :)

@justinbieber hayjustinijustwannatellyouiloveyou kbye

Me: Baby, baby, baby ohhh.. Like Baby, baby, baby.. Hater: Noooo! Me: Wow, you know Justin Biebers lyrics.♥

Selena: "Send me a sexy picture." Justin: "Okay." Selena: "what's this?!" Justin: "My Beliebers." LOL

Beliebers won't be there till the end. Because there won't be an end. Our love for Justin is infinite and We'll Never Leave You Justin


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